Stories / History / Lockheed & Aviation

Lockheed & Aviation

Burbank, California, is linked to many historic moments in flight history. Burbank Aircraft's aviation history started in 1928 when the Lockheed Aircraft Company (now known as Lockheed Martin) moved its facilities to the neighborhood. The company would take a big hit from the Great Depression but came surging back when World War II rolled around. The company effectively covered the entire airport during the war with strategically placed camouflage netting. Up from the air, in the eyes of the enemy, the entire area looked like a rural subdivision. During this time, the company employed many workers, particularly women, participating significantly in aircraft assemblies. As a result, many women like Amelia Earhart and Rosie the Riveter have a great connection with Burbank.

AR Aviation History in Burbank is an educational practice to share the central historical moments during Burbank aviation & passing moments across world war ll. This practical augmented reality collaboration is placed on three main mural paintings around Burbank with good attribution point interactions. Each location will display historical information related to Lockheed aviation. The interaction with this AR is a displacement of displaced video, image, sound, and animation to create this experience most extraordinary.